국립부경대학교 | 물리학과




  • 주소 : 599-1 Daeyeon - dong, Pusan 608-737, Korea · Professor, Dept. of Physics, Pukyong Natl Univ.
  • 이메일 : 메일
  • 전화번호 : --
  • 홈페이지 : 

등록된 내용이 없습니다.

년도 내용
1992. 10 ~ 현재 부경대학교 물리학과 교수
2005.9 ~ 2006.2 KAIST 물리학과 초빙교수
2005.3 ~ 2005.8 일본 Kyushu 대학 물리학과 교환교수
2001.1 ~ 2001.2 일본 Kyushu 대학 물리학과 연구교수
1992.2 ~ 1993.2 일본 핵융합 연구소 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 센터
1987. 10 ~ 1992. 9 부산수산대학교 물리학과 부교수
1983. 4 ~ 1987. 9 부산수산대학교 응용물리학과 조교수
1980. 10 ~ 1983. 3 부산수산대학교 응용물리학과 전임강사
1980. 3 ~ 1983. 2 고려대학교 대학원 물리학과 이학박사
1975. 3 ~ 1977.2 고려대학교 대학원 물리학과 이학석사
1971. 3 ~ 1975. 2 고려대학교 물리학과 이학사
· Statistical physics 통계물리학
· Econophysics 경제물리학 (Game theory, Multifractals, CTRW)
· Complex system 복잡계
· Phase transition and Critical Phenomena 상전이 및 임계현상
· Nonlinear dynamics 비선형 동역학

등록된 내용이 없습니다.


▶ 주요연구논문 (2016 1?  201412 - 201412 - 2013 12 - 2011년 5 - 2009 12 - 2007 12 - 20068 - 2006 1 - 1998 1)     

** 2016 1 - 2015 1 ***  

K. Kim et al, Feature of topological properties in an earthquake network, Physica A 446, 268 (2016)
239 김경식 외바이오 네트워크에서 단백질 구조의 동역학적 성질새물리 65, 920 (2015).

K. Kim, Dynamical Behavior of Price Forecasting in Structures of Group Correlations, Journal of the Korean Physical Society67, 395 (2015)

237 K. Kim, Analysis of Multifractal Strengths in Game Behaviors, Journal of the Korean Physical Society66, 1917 (2015)
236 K. Kim,Dynamical Mechanism of Two Meteorological Factors in a Complicated Region, Journal of the Korean Physical Society66, 1611 (2015)
235 K. Kim, AnalysesofStochasticProcessesinGenomicDNASequences, 한국물리학회부산울산경남지부제66회학술발표회 2015

K. Kim, DynamicalbehaviorsinDNAsequences, 2015년한국물리학회가을학술논문발표회

233 K. Kim, Analyses of optimal investment conditions in the KOSDAQ, 2015년한국물리학회가을학술논문발표회

K. Kim, Analyses of dissipative dynamics in Langevin equation, The 3rd East Asia Joint Seminar on Statistical Physics

231 K. Kim, Optimal conditions for strategies of pricing model in the KOSPI and KOSDAQ markets, ECONOPHYSICS COLLOQUIUM 2015
230 K. Kim, Dynamical Behavior of Communicability Structures in Complex Networks, DATA ANALYTICS 2015
229 K. Kim, OptimalInvestmentConditionsforStrategiesofFuturePricesinKoreanFinancialMarkets, 2015년한국물리학회봄학술논문발표회
228 K. Kim, Topologicalpropertiesofcomplexnetworksinstructuralclassificationofproteins, 2015년한국물리학회봄학술논문발표회
227  *** 2014 12 - 2014 1 ***

1.K. Kim, Characteristics of the Topological Properties in a Seismic Network of California, Journal of the Korean Physical Society65, 964 (2014)

226 K. Kim et al, Topological Properties of Networks in Structural Classification of Proteins, Journal of the Korean Physical Society65, 1164 (2014)
225 김경식 외복잡계에서 동역학 메커니즘경제물리계대기계지진계해양계 및 화학계새물리 64, 933 (2014).
224 K. Kim, Dynamical Mechanism in Meteorological Factors Using Detrended Cross-orrelation Analysis, Journal of the Korean Physical Society65, 577 (2014)

김경식 외태풍의 다중프랙탈 강도에 대한 동역학적 연구새물리 64, 747 (2014).


K. Kim, Multifractal Intensity in Dynamical Behaviors of Multifractals, Journal of the Korean Physical Society65, 125 (2014)

221 K. Kim, Characteristics of Dynamical Phase Transitions for Noise Intensities, Procedia Computer Science 25, 2515 (2014)
220 Statisticaltrackpredictionoftyphoonusingregressionanalysis,2014년한국물리학회가을학술논문발표회
219 K. Kim, Dynamicalbehaviorofmultifractalstrengthsingames, 2014년한국물리학회가을학술논문발표회
218 K. Kim, Dynamicalanalysesinstructuresofgroupcorrelations, 2014년한국물리학회가을학술논문발표회
217 K. Kim, Long-termFluctuationofPM10andItsMonitoringAreaSelectioninBusan,Korea, 2014년 한국기상학회(가을)
216 K. Kim, AnalysisofLong-termFluctuationofPM10andSelectionofPriorityControlMonitoringbyNetworkTheoryinBusan,Korea, 2014InternationalConferenceonEnvironmentalDisasterManagement&Prediction(ICEDMP)
215 K. Kim, Topological Properties of Networks in Protein Structures, 한국물리학회부산울산경남지부제63회학술발표회
214 K. Kim, Characteristics of Dynamical Phase Transitions for Noise Intensities, 14th International Conference on Computational Science
213 K. Kim, Feature of dynamical behaviors for five air pollutantconcentrations, 2014년한국물리학회봄학술논문발표회
212 K. Kim, Dynamical Characteristics of Multifractal Strengths in Multifractal Structures, 2014 International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Mathematical Modelsand Simulation in Science and Engineering (MMSSE'14)
211 김경식 외신경망에서 동역학적 상전이의 특성에 관한 연구새물리 63, 1389 (2013).

김경식 외그물망 연결성을 통한 해양표면온도의 특성에 관한 연구새물리 63, 1383 (2013)

209 K. Kim et al, Analyses of Group Correlations in the KOSPI and the KOSDAQ, International Journal of Engineering & Computer Science 1, 699 (2013) 

 ▶ 주요연구논문 (2013년 12월 - 2011년 5월 - 2009년 12월 - 2007년 12월 - 2006년8월 - 2006년 1월 - 1998년 1월)   

  *** 2013년 12월 - 2011년 6월 ***


K. Kim et al. Dynamical Characteristics in Time Series BetweenPM10 and Wind Speed, Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Environment, Energy, Ecosystems and Development 1, 79~81 (2013)  

207 K. Kim et al, , Journal of the Korean Physical Society 62, 193~196 (2013)
206 K. Kim et al, Characteristics of Seismic Networks in Spatial Scales, Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 1, 305~308 (2013)
205 K. Kim et al, Analyses of Group Correlations in the KOSPI and the KOSDAQ, Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 1, 699~704 (2013)
204 K. Kim et al, Features of the Detrended Cross-correlation Analysis in the Time Series Between Absorbable Particulate Matter and Meteorological Factors, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 63, 10~17 (2013)
203 K. Kim et al, Multifractal measures of ions absorbed on a charged lipid membrane, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 62, 645~648 (2013)
202 K. Kim et al, 태풍 나크리(0208)의 강도변화에 관한 진단적 분석, 한국환경과학회지22, 319~329 (2013)
201 K. Kim et al, Dynamical Analyses of the Time Series for the Temperature and the Humidity, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 62, 193~196 (2013)
200 K. Kim et al, Analyses of the Multifractal Measure for Absorbing Ions on a Charged Lipid Membrane, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 13, 9~11 (2013)
199 K. Kim et al, 멀티 프랙탈 탈경향 요동분석을 이용한 강수량, 풍속과 온도의 변동성강도에 관한 연구, 새물리63, 872~881 (2013)
198 Kim et al, Analysis of the Structure of Group Correlations in Korean Financial Markets, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 61, 1751~1757 (2012)
197 K. Kim et al, Characteristics of Network Metrics in Seismic Phenomena, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 61, 1163~1166 (2012)
196 K. Kim et al, Analysis of multifractals in game behaviors, Procedia Computer Science 9, 1410~1415 (2012)
195 K. Kim et al, 세가지 외환율의 시계열에 대한 무리거동, 새물리 62, 856~861 (2012)
194 K. Kim et al, Determination of the Dynamical Behavior of Rainfalls by Using a Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 61, 658~661 (2012)
193 K. Kim et al, Dynamical Analyses of the Time Series for Three Foreign Exchange Rates, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 60, 1473~1476 (2012)
192 K. Kim et al, Return Volatilities of the Korea Treasury Bond in Financial Markets, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 60, 637~640 (2012
191 K. Kim et al, Analysis of the Network Mechanism for Sea Surface Temperatures around the Korean Peninsula, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 60, 566~569 (2012)
190 K. Kim et al, Analysis of topological properties in a seismic network, Physica A 391, 2279~2285 (2012)
189 K. Kim et al, 이어도 해양종합과학기지에서의 3차원 바람성분에 따른 에어로솔 수 농도 변동 특성, 대기22, 97~107 (2012)
188 K. Kim et al, 금융시장에서 멀티요소모형의 동역학 진화에 관한 연구, 새물리 61, 966~971 (2011)
187 K. Kim et al, 한국 증권거래소에서 금융 그물망의 특성, 새물리 61, 962~965 (2011)
186 K. Kim et al, Market Mechanism on Nonmyopic Agents Changing Endogenous Decision Rules, Unifying Themes in Complex Systems 8, 1329~1329 (2011)
185 K. Kim et al, Intra- and inter-sector dependence structure of stock markets in China and the US, Unifying Themes in Complex Systems 8, 1121~1121 (2011)
184 Kyungsik Kim et al, Characteristics of the Sea Surface Distribution Using the Rescaled Range Analysis in Three Seas, Unifying Themes in Complex Systems 8, 845~847 (2011)
183 K. Kim et al, Analysis of Multifratal Structures in Two-Dimensional Lattices, Unifying Themes in Complex Systems 8, 845~850 (2011)
182 Kyungsik Kim et al, Regular Pattern in the Collective Behavior of Investors, Unifying Themes in Complex Systems 8, 1104~1108 (2011)
181 K. Kim et al. Robustness of the Topological Properties of a Seismic Network, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 58, 1272~1274 (2011)

*** 2010년 1월 - 2011년 5월 *** 


S. Ahn, G. Lim, K. Kim. Information of group-correlations in Korean financial market, COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 182, 219~222 (2011) 

179 Chulkyu Lee1, Ki-Ho Chang1, Jae-Won Jung1, Joo-Wan Cha1, Young-Jean Choi1 and Kyungsik Kim, Strategy for the Meteorological and Environmental Airborne Observations over the Korean Peninsula, Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci. 47(1), 91-96, (2011)
178 S. Ahn, G. Lim, K. Kim, Analysis of stock prices of mining business,  Physica A 390, 2340-2349 (2011)
177 S. Ahn, J. Choi, G. Lim, K. Kim, Identifying the structure of group correlation in the Korean financial market,  Physica A 390, 1991-2001 (2011)
176 Robustness of Topological Properties of a Seismic Network, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 57, 100~104, (2010)
175 Jung, Jae-Won  Chang, Ki-Ho  Kim, Soo Yong  Lee, Dong-In  Ha, Deock-Ho  Kim, Kyungsik, Scaling Behaviors of Multifractals in Two-dimensional Structures, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 56, 930~932, (2010)
174 Ahn, Sanghyun  Lim, Gyuchang  Kim, Soo Yong  Park, Inho  Kim, Kyungsik, Statistical Behavior of the Nonlinear Correlation in Financial Markets, CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 48, 235~244, (2010)
173 Jung, Sung A.  Jung, Jong Hoon  Lee, Dong-In  Jung, Jae-Won  Chang, Ki-Ho  Ha, Deock-Ho  Kim, Soo Yong  Kim, Kyungsik, Dynamical Behaviors in Earthquake Structures, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 56, 1877~1879, (2010)
172 Lee, Dong-In  You, Cheol-Hwan  Jung, Jae-Won  Chang, Ki-Ho  Kim, Soo Yong  Kim, Kyungsik, Multifractal Structures in Temperature and Humidity, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 57, 296~299, 2010년
171 Two-phase Phenomina in linear and nonlinear financial instruments, Physica A 389, 2580-2585, (2010)
170 정재원, 김경식, 새물리 61, 333-340 (2011)

*** 2008년 1월 - 2009년 12월 ***


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim, G.Lim,Structure of Correlations with Partially Surrogated Price Fluctuations, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 54, 1422(2009).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim, G.Lim D.-I.Lee, H.Lee, Contrasting Topological Changes between Recoveries in Stroke Patients, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 54, 1417(2009).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim, G.Lim D.-I.Lee,Preliminary Results of the Ground-Based Orographic Snow Enhancement Experiment for the Easterly Cold Fog(Cloud) at Daegwallyeong during the 2006 Winter, Advances In Atmospheric Sciences 26, 222(2009)




Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim,Three-species feation-diffusion processes on scale-free networks, Physica A 388, 1268 (2009).


C.H.Kim, Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim,Effects of sevoflurane of QT parameters in children with congenital sensor ineural hearing loss, Anbaesthesia 64, 3 (2009).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim, G.Lim,Multifractal Analysis in Foreigh Exchange Markets, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 53, 1286 (2009).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim, J.-H.Kang,Comparison of the small-world topology betseen anatomical and functional connectivity in the human brain, Physica A 387, 5958 (2009).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim, J.-H.Kang,Analysis of price fluctuations in futures exchange markets, Physica A 387, 2823 (2009).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim, J.-H.Park, C.-H.KIm,Multifractal Analysis of Rainfalls in Korean Peninsula, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 52, 669 (2008).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim, G.Lim, D.-I.Lee, H.Lee,Regularity Analysis of Inter-out-of-equilibrium State Intervals in Financial Markets, Journal of Physical Society of Japan 77, 33801 (2008).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim, G.Lim, D.-I.Lee,Dynamical behaviors of inter-out-of-equilibrium state intervals in Korean futures exchange markets, Physica 387, 2831 (2008).

157 Kyungsik Kim, S.Y.Kim, Two-Phase Phenomena and Volatility Clusterings in Finacial Markets, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 52, 141 (2008).

*** 2007년1월 - 2007년 12월 ***




Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, G. Lim, D.-I. Lee, H. Lee,Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of derivative and spot markets, Physica 386, 259 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, G. Lim, D.-I. Lee, S.-B. Park,Dynamical mechanism of two-phase phenomena in financial markets, Physica 386, 253 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, Multifractals on Small-World Networks, International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, 4059 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim,COLLECTIVE POLITICAL OPINION FORMATION IN NONLINEAR SOCIAL INTERACTION, International Journal of Modern Physics C 18, 1429 (2007).


C.-H. Kim, Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim,Scaling Exponents in Foreign Exchange Markets, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 51, 245 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, G. Lim,Volatilities, traded volumes, and the hypothesis of price increments in derivative securities, Physica 382, 577 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, D.-H. Ha,Characteristics of networks in financial markets, Computer Physics Communications 177, 185 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, J.-H. Kang,Dynamical models of high-frequency data analysis, Computer Physics Communications 177, 187 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, K.-H. Chang, Reaction-Diffusion Processes on Scale-Free Networks, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 76, 350011 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, G. Lim, MINORITY AND MAJORITY GAMES IN FINANCIAL MARKETS, Fractals 15, 97 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, G. Lim, Dynamical stochastic processes of returns in financial markets, Physica 376, 517 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, G. Lim, Dynamical Mechanisms of the Continuous-Time Random Walk, Multifractals, Herd Behaviors, and Minority Games in Financial Markets, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 50, 182 (2007).


E. Scalas,  Kyungsik Kim, The Art of Fitting Financial Time Series with Levy Stable Distributions, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 50, 1o5 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, G. Lim, Dynamical structures of high-frequency financial data, Physica 376, 525 (2007).


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, G. Lim, DYNAMICS OF AVALANCHE ACTIVITIES IN FINANCIAL MARKETS, International Journal of Modern Physics C 18, 1032 (2007).


*** 국내외 학술회 발표 ***


미국  Decay Processes of Three-Species on Networks  K. Kim, K.-H. Chang  2007 APS March Meeting  200703 

139 미국  Scaling Exponents in Financial Markets  K. Kim, C. H. Kim, S. Y. Kim  2007 APS March Meeting  200703
138 미국  Volatilities, Traded Volumes, and Price Increments in Derivative Securities  K. Kim, G. Lim, S. Y. Kim, E. Scalas  2007 APS March Meeting  200703
137 대한민국(한국)  Volatilities, traded volumes, and the hypothesis of price increments in derivative securities  K. Kim, G. Lim, S. Y. Kim, E. Scalas  2007년 봄학술논문발표회  200704
136 대한민국(한국)  Analysis of Price Fluctuations in Futures Exchange Markets  K. Kim, G. Lim, S. Y. Kim  2007년 봄학술논문발표회  200704
135 대한민국(한국)  Dynamical mechanism of two-phase phenomena in financial markets  K. Kim, G. Lim, S. Y. Kim, K. H. Chang  2007년 봄학술논문발표회  200704
134 대한민국(한국)  Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of derivative and spot markets  K. Kim, G. Lim, S. Y. Kim  2007년 봄학술논문발표회  200704
133 이탈리아  Regularity Analysis of Bursting Phase of Financial Markets  K. Kim, G. Lim, S. Y. Kim, D.-I. Lee  Statphys23, IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics  200707
132 대한민국(한국)  Two-phase phenomena and volatility clusterings in financial markets  K. Kim, G. Lim, S. Y. Kim, K. H. Chang, C.-H. Kang  제14회 통계물리 Workshop  200708
131 대한민국(한국)  Dynamical behaviors of inter-out-of-equilibrium state intervals of Korean futures exchange markets  K. Kim, G. Lim, S. Y. Kim, S.-B. park  2007한국물리학회 가을학술발표회  200710
130 대한민국(한국)  Multifractal analysis of rainfalls in Korean peninsula  K. Kim, G. Lim, S. Y. Kim, C.-H. Kang  2007한국물리학회 가을학술발표회  200710



*** 2006년1월 - 2006년 12월 ***


Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, Hurst Exponents in Futures Exchange Markets, International Journal of Modern Physics C 17, 1831 (2006).


H. Jo, Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, Detrended Fluctuation Analysis in the Korean Bond Futures Exchange Market, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 49, 1691 (2006).


K.-H. Chang, Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, Multifractal Measures on Small-World Networks, Fractals 14, 119 (2006).


K.-H. Chang, Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, Subway Networks in Cities, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 48, 143 (2006).


K.-H. Chang, Kyungsik Kim, S.Y. Kim, Reaction-Diffusion Processes on Small-World Networks, 48, 139 (2006).


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon, C. C. Lee, Dynamical volatilities for yen-dollar exchange rates, Physica A 359, 569 (2006).


Kyungsik Kim, Seong-Min Yoon, Y. Kim (2006), “ Phase transition of dynamical herd behaviors for Yen-Dollar exchange rates”, Physica A 359, 563 (2006).


Kyungsik Kim, S.-M. Yoon, Dynamical Minority and Majority Games in Korean Bond Futures Exchange Market, Journal of Physical Society of Japan 75, 0150031 (2006)


*** 국내외 학술발표 *** 


미국  Dynamical Stochastic Processes of Returns in Financial Markets  Kyungsik Kim, Soo Yong Kim, Gyuchang Lim  APS March Meeting 2006  200603 

119 미국  Dynamical Structures of High-Frequency Financial Data  Kyungsik Kim, S.-M. Yoon, Soo Yong Kim, Yup Kim  APS March Meeting 2006  200603
118 대한민국(한국)  Cascade model in Social networks  김경식, 김수용  2006한국물리학회 봄학술발표회  200604
117 대한민국(한국)  Multifractal Measures for KTB Futures  김경식, 김수용, 이민호  2006한국물리학회 봄학술발표회  200604
116 대한민국(한국)  Detrended Fluctuation Analysis in Korean Bond Futures  김경식, 조항현  2006한국물리학회 봄학술발표회  200604
115 대한민국(한국)  Opinion Formations in Social Interaction  김경식, 김수용, 박정현  2006한국물리학회 봄학술발표회  200604
114 대한민국(한국)  Dynanmical Coherent Events in Financial Markets  김경식, 김수용  2006한국물리학회 봄학술발표회  200604
113 대한민국(한국)  Dynamic Properties of Diffusive Capture Process on Complex Networks  육순형, 이성민  2006한국물리학회 봄학술발표회  200604
112 홍콩  Dynamical minority and majority games in Financial Markets  Kyungsik Kim  International Conference on Frontiers of nonlinear and Complex Systems  200605
111 홍콩  Multifractal Measures on Small-World Networks  Kyungsik Kim, K.-H Chang  International Conference on Frontiers of nonlinear and Complex Systems  200605
110 대한민국(한국)  Reaction-diffusion processes on scale-free networks  Kyungsik Kim, K.-H Chang  Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific 4  200607
109 대한민국(한국)  Decay processes on scale-free networks  Kyungsik Kim, K. H. Chang  The 2nd KIAS Conference on Statistical Physics  200607
108 대한민국(한국)  Detrended Fluctuation Analysis in the Financial Exchange Market  Kyungsik Kim  Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific 4  200607
107 대한민국(한국)  Two-phase herd behavior in financial markets  Kyungsik Kim  Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific 4  200607
106 대한민국(한국)  Collective opinion formations in social interactions  Kyungsik Kim  Conference on Computational Physics 2006  200608

Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon, C. C. Lee, “Dynamical volatilities for yen-dollar exchange rates”, Physica A 359, 569 (2006).


Kyungsik Kim, Seong-Min Yoon, Y. Kim (2004), “ Phase transition of dynamical herd behaviors for Yen-Dollar exchange rates”, Physica A 359, 563 (2006).


Kyungsik Kim, S.-M. Yoon, “Reaction-Diffusion Processes on Small-World Networks”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 74, 2860 (2005).


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon, “일본 외환시장에서의 무리행동에 대한 연구”, 국제지역연구 9, 268 (2005).


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon, “Distributions of Korean Household Incomes”, 경제학연구 53, 145 (2005).


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon, M.-K. Yum, “Dynamical games in financial markets”, Econophysics Colloquium: Program & Abstract 1, 40 (2005).


Kyungsik Kim, Seong-Min Yoon, “Characteristics of networks in financial markets”, Econophysics Colloquium: Program & Abstract 1, 42 (2005).


Kyungsik Kim, Seong-Min Yoon, “Localization of multifractals in short-term Hurst exponents”, Econophysics Colloquium: Program & Abstract 1, 42 (2005).


Kyungsik Kim, K. H. Chang, “Reaction-Diffusion Processes on Small-World Networks”, APCTP Joint Conference on Bio-comlexity: Program amd Abstracts 1, 19 (2005).


*** 2004년5월 - 2005년 8월 ***


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon, “Multifractal Features in Korean financial markets”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 46, 1071 (2005).


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon, "Zipf's Law Distributions in Korean Financial Markets ”, Jurnal of the Korean Physical Society 47, 171 (2005).


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon, “Distributions of Korean  Household Incomes”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 46, 1039 (2005).


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon, J. S. Choi  and Y. Kim, “ Dynamical Mechanism in the Korean Financial Market”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 46, 719 (2005).


Kyungsik Kim, Seong-Min Yoon, Y. Kim (2004), "Herd behaviors in the stock and foreign exchange markets," Physica A 341, 526-532.


Kyungsik Kim, Seong-Min Yoon (2004), "Multifractal features of Financial markets, " Physica A 344(1), 272-278.


Kyungsik Kim, Seong-Min Yoon and M.-K Yum (2004), "Dynamics of the minority game for patients," Physica A 344(1), 30-35.


*** 2003년9월 - 2004년 4월 ***


Kyungsik Kim and Seong-Min Yoon, "Multifractal measures for bond futures prices in futures exchange market", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 73, 49 (2004).


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon, K. H. Chang and J. S. Choi, "Volatility and Returns in Korean Financial Markets", Journal Of the Korean Physical Society 44, 1015 (2004).


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon  and J. S. Choi, "Multifractal Measures for the Yen-Dollar Exchange Rate", Journal Of the Korean Physical Society 44, 643 (2004).


Kyungsik Kim, S. M. Yoon and J. S. Choi, "Herd Behaviors in Financial Markets ", Journal Of the Korean Physical Society 44, 647 (2004).


Kyungsik Kim and Seong-Min Yoon, "Volatility and Returns in Korean Financial Markets", Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 59(1), 332 (2004).


Kyungsik Kim, "Volatility and returns in financial markets", Bull. of American Phys. Soc. 49, D19.016 (2004).


Kyungsik Kim, "Multifractal features in stock and foreign exchange markets", Bull. of American Phys. Soc. 49, R1.158 (2004).


Kyungsik Kim, "Herd behavior of returns in finacial markets", Shanghai Int'l Symposium on nonlinear Science & Application 1, 104 (2003).


Kyungsik Kim, "Chaotic Properties in the Fractional Iterative maps", Shanghai Int'l Symposium on nonlinear Science & Application 1, 134 (2003).


김경식, "Dynamical Minority Mechanism for Patients", 한국물리학회보 21(2), 478 (2003).


김경식, "Herd Behaviors in Financial Markets", 한국물리학회보 21(2), 479 (2003).


김경식, "Multifractal Measures for the Yen-Dollar Exchange Rate", 한국물리학회보 21(2), 478 (2003).


*** 2002년9월 - 2003년 8월 ***


Kyungsik Kim and Seong-Min Yoon, "Dynamical Behavior of Continuous Tick Data in Futures Exchange Market", Fractals 11, 131 (2003).


Kyungsik Kim and Y. S. Kong, "Quantum Brownian Motion under a Stochastic Potential", J. Korean Phys. Soc. 42, 471 (2003).


Kyungsik Kim and Seong-Min Yoon, "Dynamical Behavior of Continuous Tick Data inFutures Exchange Market", Bull. of American Phys. Soc.48, 499 (2003).


Kyungsik Kim, Y. S. Kong and J. S. Choi, "Fractional Dynamical Behavior in a Random Potential with the Fractional Iterative Function", Third International Conference on Discrete Chaotic Dynamics in Nature and Society 3, 26 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim, "Abnormal fractal correlation of inter-heartbeat intervals in children with neurocardiogenic syncope", Third International Conference on Discrete Chaotic Dynamics in Nature and Society 3, 26 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim and Seong-Min Yoon, "Multifractal Measures for Bond Future Prices in Futures Exchange Market", Bull. of American Phys. Soc.48, 499 (2003).


Kyungsik Kim, Y. S. Kong and J. S. Choi, "Anomalous Diffusive Behavior in Fractional Dynamics", Bull. of American Phys. Soc.48, 499 (2003).


M.Y.Yum, J.H.Kim and Kyungsik Kim, "Fetal heart rate intermittency", Bull. of American Phys. Soc.48, 499 (2003).


Kyungsik Kim, Seong-Min Yoon and Yup Kim, "Herd Behavior of the Return in the Korean Financial Market", 7th APCTP Winter School on Granular Material and Complex Systems: Program, Lecture Notes, & Absracts 7, P-12 (2003).


Kyungsik Kim and Seong-Min Yoon, "Multifractal Measures for the Futures Prices in Futures Exchange Market", 7th APCTP Winter School on Granular Material and Complex Systems: Program, Lecture Notes, & Absracts 7, P-13 (2003).


Kyungsik Kim and Y. S. Kong, "Deterministic diffusion generated by a chaotic map with intrinsic bias", 대한지질학회 창립55주년 추계공동학술발표회 초록집 55, 147 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim and Y. S. Kong, "Anomalous Behaviors in the Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation", 대한지질학회 창립55주년 추계공동학술발표회 초록집 55, 148 (2002).


김경식, 윤성민, "선물거래량의 동역학 모델", 2002년 한국물리학회 가을학술논문발표회보  20(2), 452 (2002).


김경식, 윤성민,김엽, "Herd Behavior of the Return in the Korean Financial Market", 2003년 한국물리학회 가을학술논문발표회보 21(1), 166 (2002).


김경식, 윤성민, "선물거래량의 동역학 모델", 새물리 46, 18 (2003).


김경식, 윤성민,김엽, "선물시장의 무리거동과 수익률 변동", 새물리 47, 29 (2003).


*** 2002년3월 - 2002년 8월 ***


Kyungsik Kim, Y. S. Kong, G. H. Kim, J. R. Lee, J.S. Choi, B. I. Henry, M. K. Yum and T. Odagaki, "Multifractal Measures inFractional Iterative Maps",Fractals 10, 229 (2002).


B. I. Henry, M. K. Yum, Y.S. Kong, J. S. Choi, Kyungsik Kim, " Deterministic diffusion generated by a chaotic map with intrinsic bias ", Chaos Solitons and Fractals 14, 681 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim, Y. S. Kong, T. Odagaki and B. I. Henry, "Chaotic Features in Iterative Maps ", J. Korean Phys. Soc. 40, 1023 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim and and Y. S. Kong, " Anomalous Behaviors in Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation ", J. Korean Phys. Soc. 40, 979 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim, Y. S. Kong,B. I. Henry and T. Odagaki, " Chaotic Features inFractional Iterative Maps ", Physica A135, 166 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim and Y. S. Kong, "Fractional Dynamical Behavior in Quantum Brownian Motion", Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47(1), 462 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim, B. I. Henry and M. K. Yum, "Diffusive Behavior Generated by the Kim-Kong Map with Intrinsic Bias", Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47(1), 462 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Abnormal intermittency of heart rate in patients with neurocardiogenic syncope", Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47(1), 854 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim, "Multifractal Measures in Fractional Iterative Maps", The 1st International Workshop Pukyong 2002 on Complex Systems 1, 9 (2002).


Kyungsik Kim, "Spatiotemporal Dynamical Behaviors in Coupled Kim-Kong Map", The 1st International Workshop Pukyong 2002 on Complex Systems 1, 14 (2002).


김경식외 3인, " Correlations in Fractional Quantum Brownian Motion on a One-Dimensional Lattice", 새물리 48권, 48 (2002).


김규희,공영세,최점수,김경식, "Fractional Dynamical Behavior in Quantum Brownian Motion ", 2002년도 한국물리학회 논문초록집 20(1), 141 (2002).


*** 2001년8월 - 2002년 3월 ***


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Abnormal intermittency of heart rate in patients with neurocardiogenic syncope",  Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47(2), 854  (2002)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Diffusive Behavior Generated by the Kim-Kong Map with Intrinsic Bias", Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47(1), 462 (2002)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Fractional Dynamical Behavior in Quantum Brownian Motion", Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47(1), 462 (2002)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Deterministic diffusion generated by a chaotic map with intrinsic bias", 6th APCTP Winter School Scaling and Phase Transitions in Complex Networks and Nonequilibrium Systems 1, 11 (2002)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Multifractal Measures in Fractional Iterative Maps", 6th  APCTP Winter School Scaling and Phase Transitions in Complex Networks and Nonequilibrium Systems 1, 12 (2002)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Chaotic Features in Fractional Iterative Maps", International Symposium on Slow Dynamical Processes in Nature 1, 6 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Chaotic Behaviors in Coupled Kim-Kong Map Lattices", 2001년도 한국물리학회 논문초록집 19(2), 412 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Diffusive Motion Generalized by a Deterministic Map with Intrinsic Bias", 2001년도 한국물리학회 논문초록집 19(2), 412 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Chaotic Characteristics in Fractional Iterative Maps", The 7th International Workshop on Similarity in Diversity T8-3 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Anomalous Behaviors in Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation", The 7th International Workshop on Similarity in Diversity P2-8 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Correlations in Fractional Quantum Brownian Motion on a One-Dimensional Lattice", 제11차 통계물리 연수회집 11, 3 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Spatiotemporal Behaviors in Coupled Kim-Kong Map Lattice Model", 제11차 통계물리 연수회집 11, 3 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Development of irregular and fractal fetal heart rate behavior during rest and active period", IUPAP 21st International Conference on Statistical Physics 1, 299 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Fractional Features of iterative maps with two control Parameters", IUPAP 21st International Conference on Statistical Physics 1, 175 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Dynamical Behaviors in Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation", IUPAP 21st International Conference on Statistical Physics 1, 185 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, "Multifractas in Kim-Kong Map", 제77회 한국물리학회 논문초록집 19(1),18(2001)


*** 1998년 1월 - 2001년8월 ***


Kyungsik Kim, G. H. Kim, J.R. Lee, J. S. Choi, Y. S. Kong, B. I. Henry, M. K. Yumand T. Odagaki, Multifractal Measures in Fractional Iterative Maps, Fractals (to be published) (2001)


Kyungsik Kim, J.S. Choi,Y.S. Kong, B. I. Henry and M. K. Yum, Multifractal Measures in the Kim-Kong Map, Bull. of the American Phys. Soc., K40, 165 (2001)


M. K. Yum, H. S. Kim and Kyungsik Kim, Prediction of severity of additional blood pressure elevation after tracheal intubation in hypertensive patients by pre-anesthetic recurrence quantification analysis of  heart rates, Bull. of the American Phys. Soc. K40, 163 (2001)


B. I. Henry, M.K. Yum, Y.S.Kong, B. O. Shim and Kyungsik Kim, Charateristic Features of an Iterative Map with Two Control Parmeters, Bull. of the American Phys. Soc. K40, 164 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim, "Multifractal Measures in Iterative Maps", 24th Invitation Conference of Dept.of Physics in Kyushu Univ. (2001)

28 Kyungsik Kim, "Multifractals of Normalized First Passage Time in Fractal Structure", 24th Invitation Conference of Dept.of Physics in Kyushu Univ. (2001)

Kyungsik Kim, J. S. Choi, Y. S. Kong and M. K. Yum, "Dynamical Behaviors in Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation", Statphys.21, 15th-21th July (2001)


Kyungsik Kim and Y. S. Kong, Anomalous Behaviors in Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation, 7th International Workshop on SiD, OS8-3 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim, Y. S. Kong and T. Odagaki, Chaotic Characteristics in Fractional Iterative Maps, 7th International Workshop on SiD, P2-8 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim and T. Odagaki, " Fractional Features of Iterative Maps with Two Control Parameters ", Statphys.21, 15th-21th July (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, Langevin and Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation with Temporal Drift Force Fields, Bull. of the Korean Phys. Soc. 18(2), F-008 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim et al, Multifractals in Kim-Kong Map, Bull. of the Korean Phys. Soc. 19(1), F-006 (2001)


Kyungsik Kim, G. H. Kim and Y. S. Kong, Multifractal Measures Characterized by the Iterative Map with Two Control Parameters, Fractals 8(2), 181 (2000)


Kyungsik Kim and Y. S. Kong, Multifractal Structure of the Sea-Bottom Topography in the Korean Sea, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 36(4), 245 (2000)


Kyungsik Kim and Y. S. Kong, A Study on the Generalized Multifractal Dimension and the Spectrum in Seabottom Topography, J. Korean Soc. Oceanogr. 35, 11 (2000)


Kyungsik Kim, B.O.Shim and B.I. Henry, Multifractal Measures in Iterative Maps , International Workshop on Similarity in Diversity, T9 (2000)


Kyungsik Kim and J. S. Choi, Multifractal Structure in Sea-bottom Depth, Sixth Int'l Multidisciplinary Conference: Fractal 2000, Ps12 (2000)


B. O. Shim, J. S. Choi and Kyungsik Kim, Fractional Dynamics in Fokker-Planck Equation with Spatio-Tepmeral Drift Force Fields, Bull. of Korean Phys. Soc. 18(1), F-P029 (2000)


Kyungsik Kim, K. H. Chang and Y. S. Kong, Decay Process for Three-Species Reaction-Diffusion System, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68(4), 1450 (1999).


Kyungsik Kim, Y. S. Kong and C. H. Chang, Multifractal Measures Characterized by Two Control Parameters, Fifth Experimental Chaos Conference, P35 (1999)


Kyungsik Kim, C. S. Lee and J. S. Choi, Multifractals of the Seabottom Depth in Seabottom Topography, Fifth Experimental Chaos Conference, P36 (1999)


Kyungsik Kim and C. H. Chang, Nonliear Property of  an Iterative Map with Two Control Parameters, Abs.of Meeting of Phys. Soc. Japan 54(2), Part3, 25aPs22 (1999)


Kyungsik Kim and Y. S. Kong, Multifractal Structure of Seabottom Depth on Seabottom Topography, Abs.of Meeting of Phys. Soc. Japan 54(2), Part3, 25aPs13 (1999)


G. H. Kim, Kyungsik Kim and Y. S. Kong, Multifractal Measures of the normalized First Passaage Time by Using One-Dimensional Iterative Map, Bull. of Korean Phys. Soc.17(2), F-P022 (1999)


Kyungsik Kim, G. H. Kim and J. S. Choi, Bifurcation Characteristics of an Iterative Map, Bull. of Korean  Phys. Soc. 17(2), F-P023 (1999)


Kyungsik Kim and Y. S. Kong, Random Fractals and Multifractals in Seabottm Topography, Bull. of Korean Phys. Soc. 17(1), F-P010 (1999)


Kyungsik Kim et all, Multifractals of Normalized First Passage Time in Sierpinski Gasket, Journal of Phys. Soc.of Japan, Vol.67,No.5 pp.1583 (1998)


Kyungsik Kim et all, Random Fractals and Multifractality in Korea Topography, Current Topics in Physics, Vol.2 ,No.1, pp.421 (1998)


Kyungsik Kim et all, Multifractality of Mean First Passage Time in both Absorbing and Reflecting Barriers, Current Topics in Physics, Vol.2, No.1, pp.440 (1998) 

4 Kyungsik Kim et all, Kinetics of Two-Species Reaction - Diffusion, Abstract of Japan Physical Society, Vol.53, No.3 pp.746 (1998)
3 Kyungsik Kim et all, Decay Process for Three - Species Reaction -Diffusion System, Abstract of Japan Physical Society, Vol.53, No.6 pp.733 (1998)
2 Kyungsik Kim et all, Diffusion - Reaction Dynamics with Diffusing Trapping Points, Bulletin of Korean Phys. Soc. Vol.16, No.1 pp.250 (1998)

Kyungsik Kim et all, (1998) Anniliation for Three - Species in Reaction -Diffusion System, Bulletin of Korean Phys. Soc. Vol.16, No.2 pp.240 (1998)

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