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국립부경대학교 해양공학과




(※ 최근 주요 연구성과는 아래와 같음. 클릭 시 DOI 페이지로 이동)

An artificial intelligence-based approach to predicting seismic hillslope stability under extreme rainfall events in the vicinity of Wolsong nuclear power plant, South Korea
Correction: Pham et al. Bolt-Loosening Monitoring Framework Using an Image-Based Deep Learning and Graphical Model. Sensors 2020, 20, 3382
Deep learning-based functional assessment of piezoelectric-based smart interface under various degradations
Derivation and Evaluation of Satellite-Based Surface Current
Effects of Soil Amplification on Ground Motion Response Spectra with High-Frequency Contents at Generic Soil Sites for Nuclear Facilities in Korea
Enhancing pollutant removal and electricity generation in Sediment Microbial Fuel Cell with nano zero-valent iron
Evaluation of turbulence models for estimating the wake region of artificial reefs using particle image velocimetry and computational fluid dynamics
Experimental Study on the Behavior of Existing Reinforced Concrete Multi-Column Piers under Earthquake Loading
Full waveform inversion to estimate the material properties of a layered half-space
Landslide Spatial Probability Prediction: A comparative assessment of na?ve Bayes, ensemble learning, and deep learning approaches
Measurement and prediction of the initial settlement of cube-type artificial reefs caused by free-fall installation using a laboratory-scale experiment, regression analysis, and numerical collision analysis
Nonlinear Dynamic Response of a Concrete Rectangular Liquid Storage Tank on Rigid Soil Subjected to Three-Directional Ground Motion
Optimal Localization of Smart Aggregate Sensor for Concrete Damage Monitoring in PSC Anchorage Zone
Piezoelectric Sensor-Embedded Smart Rock for Damage Monitoring in a Prestressed Anchorage Zone
Piezoelectric skin sensor for electromechanical impedance responses sensitive to concrete damage in prestressed anchorage zone
Probabilistic site response analysis for nuclear facilities considering variability of soil properties and its effects on uniform hazard response spectra and ground motion response spectra
Regional-scale Landslide Risk Assessment on Mt. Umyeon Using Risk Index Estimation
Root-finding absorbing boundary condition for anisotropic scalar waves in infinite media
Smart PZT-Embedded Sensors for Impedance Monitoring in Prestressed Concrete Anchorage
A regional-scale landslide early warning system based on the sequential evaluation method: development and performance analysis
An artificial neural network model to predict debris-flow volumes caused by extreme rainfall in the central region of South Korea
Application of deep neural network to capture groundwater potential zone in mountainous terrain, Nepal Himalaya
Assessment of barrier location effect on debris flow based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation on 3D terrains
Bolt-loosening monitoring framework using an image-based deep learning and graphical model
Characteristics of earthquake responses of a rectangular liquid storage tanks subjected to bi-directional horizontal ground motions
Damage-sensitive impedance sensor placement on multi-strand anchorage based on local stress variation analysis
Debris flow behavioral characteristic based on rheological properties: A case study on Mt. Hwangnyeong and Mt. Umyeon
Deflection limit for a maglev railway guideway considering ride comfort
Diurnal cycling of submesoscale dynamics: lagrangian implications in drifter observations and model simulations of the northern Gulf of Mexico
Effects of particle size and pyrolysis temperature of oyster shell on change of coastal benthic environment
Estimation of seabed settlement during initial installation of a box-type artificial reef considering different seabed soil compositions and incident angles
Large-strain analysis of vertical drain-improved soft deposit consolidationconsidering smear zone, well resistance, and creep effects
Monitoring of Corroded and Loosened Bolts in Steel Structures via Deep Learning and Hough Transforms
Monitoring technique using a vision-based single-camera system for reinforced soil retaining wall
Piezoelectric-based hoop-type interface for impedance monitoring of local strand breakage in prestressed multi-strand anchorage
Prediction of primary physical measures for cost-effective management of artificial seaweed reefs
Proposal of deflection limits for elevated guideways for light rail transit considering ride comfort
Rainfall-induced shallow landslide susceptibility mapping at two adjacent catchments using advanced machine learning algorithms
Sensor fault diagnosis for impedance monitoring using a piezoelectric-based smart interface technique
Shallow landslide susceptibility models based on artificial neural networks considering the factor selection method and various non-linear activation functions
Simulation approach for the tracing the marine pollution using multi-remote sensing data
Social value assessment through community-based education: A case study of Busan Green Environment Center
Time-domain earthquake response analysis of rectangular liquid storage tank considering fluid-structure-soil interaction
Two perspectives for increasing of artificial reef wake region
University social responsibility through marine environmental education projects: A case study based on survey of participating students
Wake region estimates of artificial reefs in Vietnam: effects of tropical seawater temperatures and seasonal water flow variation

Vibration-based structural identification of caisson-foundation system via in situ measurement and simplified model
Efficiency and unit propagation indices to characterize wake volumes of marine forest artificial reefs established by flatly distributed placement models
An ensemble landslide hazard model incorporating rainfall threshold for Mt. Umyeon, South Korea
A shallow slide prediction model combining rainfall threshold warnings and shallow slide susceptibility in Busan, Korea
Impacts of convergence on structure functions from surface drifters in the Gulf of Mexico
An Analytical Solution for Consolidation of PVD-Installed Deposit Considering nonlinear distribution of hydraulic conductivity and compressibility
Radial consolidation of PVD-installed normally consolidated soil with discharge capacity reduction using large-strain theory
Root-finding absorbing boundary conditions for scalar and elastic waves in infinite media
Local strand-breakage detection in multi-strand anchorage system using an impedance-based stress monitoring method-feasibility study
Quasi-autonomous bolt-loosening detection method using vision-based deep learning and image processing
Sensing region characteristics of smart piezoelectric interface for damage monitoring in plate-like structures
Vibration-based damage assessment in gravity-based wind turbine tower under various waves
Changes in permeability and benthic environment of coastal sediment based on calcium salt supplier
Characterization of submesoscale turbulence in the East/Japan Sea using geostationary ocean color satellite images
Lateral dispersion of dye and drifters in the center of a very large lake
Sensitivity of piezoelectric-based smart interfaces to structural damage in bolted connections
Vibration characteristics of caisson breakwater for various waves, sea levels, and foundations
A regional-scale landslide early warning methodology applying statistical and physically based approaches in sequence
Remediation of contaminated sediment originating from wastewater at harbor areas using slaked lime - fly ash - cement mixture
Vibration characteristics of offshore wind turbine tower with gravity-based foundation under wave excitation
Electricity production characterization of a sedment microbial fuel cell using different thermo-treated flat carbon cloth electrodes
Semi-quantitative method to identify the vulnerable areas in terms of building aggregation for probable landslide runout at the regional scale: a case study from Soacha Province, Colombia