국립부경대학교 | 에너지자원공학과




부경대학교 에너지자원공학과 공학사 (2016)


부경대학교 에너지자원공학과 공학석사 (2017)


부경대학교 에너지자원공학과 공학박사 (2020)

2020~2022: 한국지질자원연구원 자원탐사개발연구센터 박사후연구원


2022~2024: 부경대학교 에너지자원연구소 연구교수


2023~2024: 부경대학교 에너지자원공학과 시간강사


2024~현재: 부경대학교 에너지자원공학과 조교수 

태양광 발전 시스템 모델링, 광물자원 지속가능 채광·생산 기술 개발

등록된 내용이 없습니다.

- Optimal Installation and Operation Planning of Parking Spaces for Solar-Powered Electric Vehicles Using Hemispherical Images. J. Baek and Y. Choi*, Renewable Energy, Vol. 219/Part 1, 119444 (2023)


Development of Parking Space Analysis System for Solar Electric Vehicle using 360 VR Camera. J. Hong, J. Baek* and Y. Choi*, Journal of the Korea Solar Energy Society, Vol. 43/3, pp. 11-30 (2023)


- An Experimental Study on Performance Evaluation of Shading Matrix to Select Optimal Parking Space for Solar-Powered Electric Vehicles. J. Baek and Y. Choi*, Sustainability, Vol. 14/22, pp. 1-17 (2022)


- Comparative Study on Shading Database Construction for Urban Roads Using 3D Models and Fisheye Images for Efficient Operation of Solar-Powered Electric Vehicles. J. Baek and Y. Choi*, Energies, Vol. 15/21, pp. 1-24 (2022)


- 3D Global Localization in the Underground Mine Environment Using Mobile LiDAR Mapping and Point Cloud Registration. J. Baek, J. Park, S. Cho and C. Lee*, Sensors, Vol. 22/8, pp. 1-23 (2022)


- Smart Helmet-Based Personnel Proximity Warning System for Improving Underground Mine Safety. Y. Kim, J. Baek and Y. Choi*, Applied Sciences, vol. 11/10, pp. 1-18 (2021)


- Stochastic Predictions of Ore Production in an Underground Limestone Mine Using Different Probability Density Functions: A Comparative Study Using Big Data from ICT System. D. Jung, J. Baek and Y. Choi*, Applied Sciences, vol. 11/9, pp. 1-16 (2021)


- Review of GIS-Based Applications for Mining: Planning, Operation, and Environmental Management, Y. Choi*, J. Baek and S. Park, Applied Sciences, vol. 10/7, pp. 1-25 (2020)


- Deep Neural Network for Predicting Ore Production by Truck-Haulage Systems in Open-Pit Mines. J. Baek and Y. Choi*, Applied Sciences, vol. 10/5, pp. 1-25 (2020)


- Smart Glasses-Based Personnel Proximity Warning System for Improving Pedestrian Safety in Construction and Mining Sites. J. Baek and Y. Choi*, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 17/4, pp. 1-15 (2020)


- Deep Neural Network for Ore Production and Crusher Utilization Prediction of Truck Haulage System in Underground Mine. J. Baek and Y. Choi*, Applied Sciences, vol. 9/19, pp. 1-21 (2019)

지속가능 에너지 기술 연구실(SET-Lab) https://sites.google.com/view/set-labs