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일본 동경대학교 대학원 교육학 연구과 박사
  (신체교육학; 운동생리학/처방, 건강과학) 
일본 국립 건강 영양연구소
(National Institute of Health and Nutrition) 연수
1995- 1997    
동아대학교 스포츠과학대학 대학원 석사
동아대학교 스포츠과학대학 생활체육학과 졸업

 2014 - 현재

  동아대학교 건강과학대학 건강관리학과 부교수, 4차산업 혁신선도대학 스마트헬스케어 INSPIRE 사업단 부단장

  외래연구원-일본 국립장수의료 연구센타, 노년학사회과학연구센타,  객원 연구원 -  일본체육대학 종합연구소 

  한국운동생리학회 부편집위원장,  대한 유산소운동의학회 간행이사



?2011 - 2014

  실장 -    일본 국립장수의료 연구센타(National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Japan), 운동기능부활 연구실   



  전임연구원 -  동경도 노인종합연구소 건강장수 게놈 탐색연구팀



  객원연구원 ? 게이오 대학 부설 국제 의료정보 연구센타



  객원연구원 - 일본 신체교육 의학 연구소 



  연구 학사 조교 - 동경대학교 대학원 교육학연구과



 조교 - 동아대학교 문화체육부 부설 생활체육지도자 연수원


학회 활동 

일본 낙상예방학회 학술이사 , 미국 노화 학회 정회원 ,미국 골대사학회 정회원 ,미국 스포츠의학회 정회원

미국 노화학회 정회원  ,미국 생리학회 회원, 일본 노인병학회 정회원, 한국 치매학회 정회원 

한국 노인재활의학회 회원 ,한국 체육학회 회원





Reviewer Board; Frontiers in Clinical and Translational Physiology, Scientific Journals International, Japanese Society of Fall Prevention


Peer Reviewer ; The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, Archives of Gerontology, Journal of Medical Genetics, Journal of Gerontology, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Quality of Life Research, Frontiers Physiology, Geriatrics & Gerontology International, Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, Frontiers  in Neuroscience


등록된 내용이 없습니다.

 논문 (SCI, SSCI, SCIE, In Medicus 등)

1. Uemura K, Shimada H, Doi T, Makizako H, Park H, Suzuki T. Depressive symptoms in older adults are associated with decreased cerebral oxygenation of the prefrontal cortex during a trail-making test. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2014 Sep-Oct;59(2):422-8.


2. Makizako H, Liu-Ambrose T, Shimada H, Doi T, Park H, Tsutsumimoto K, Uemura K, Suzuki T. Moderate-Intensity Physical Activity, Hippocampal Volume, and Memory in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2014 Aug 21.


3. Shimada H, Park H, Makizako H, Doi T, Lee S, Suzuki T. Depressive symptoms and cognitive performance in older adults. J Psychiatr Res. 2014 Oct;57:149-56. PubMed PMid: 25023083.


4. Kamioka H, Tsutani K, Yamada M, Park H, Okuizumi H, Tsuruoka K, Honda T, Okada S, Park SJ, Kitayuguchi J, Abe T, Handa S, Oshio T, Mutoh Y. Effectiveness of music therapy: a summary of systematic reviews based on randomized controlled trials of music interventions. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2014 May 16;8:727-754. 


5. Shimada H, Makizako H, Doi T, Yoshida D, Tsutsumimoto K, Anan Y, Uemura K, Lee S, Park H, Suzuki T. A large, cross-sectional observational study of serum BDNF, cognitive function, and mild cognitive impairment in the elderly. Front Aging Neurosci. 2014 Apr 15;6:69. 


6. Kamioka H, Okada S, Tsutani K, Park H, Okuizumi H, Handa S, Oshio T, Park SJ, Kitayuguchi J, Abe T, Honda T, Mutoh Y. Effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Complement Ther Med. 2014 Apr;22(2):371-390. 


7. Uemura K, Shimada H, Makizako H, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Yoshida D, Anan Y, Ito T, Lee S, Park H, Suzuki T.  Effects of mild and global cognitive impairment on the prevalence of fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults. Maturitas. 2014 May;78(1):62-6.


8. Makizako H, Shimada H, Doi T, Yoshida D, Tsutsumimoto K, Uemura K, Anan Y, Park H, Lee S, Ito T, Suzuki T. The combined status of physical performance and depressive symptoms is strongly associated with a history of falling in community-dwelling elderly: cross-sectional findings from the Obu Study of Health Promotion for the Elderly (OSHPE). Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2014 May-Jun;58(3):327-31. 


9. Yoshida D, Shimada H, Park H, Anan Y, Ito T, Harada A, Suzuki T. Development of an equation for estimating appendicular skeletal muscle mass in Japanese older adults using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2014 Jan 23. (IF 2.2) SSCI, n=7


10. Yoshida D, Suzuki T, Shimada H, Park H, Makizako H, Doi T, Anan Y, Tsutsumimoto K, Uemura K, Ito T, Lee S. Using two different algorithms to determine the prevalence of sarcopenia. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2014 Feb;14 Suppl 1:46-51. (IF 2.2) SSCI n=11


11. Doi T, Shimada H, Makizako H, Lee S, Park H, Tsutsumimoto K, Uemura K, Yoshida D, Anan Y, Suzuki T. Cognitive activities and instrumental activity of daily living in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra. 2013 Oct 26;3(1):398-406. 


12. Shepahrd R, Park H, Park S, Aoyagi Y. Objectively measured physical activity and progressive loss of lean tissue in older Japanese adults: longitudinal data from the Nakanojo Study. J Am Geriatr Soc, 61:1887?1893, 2013. (IF 4.0) SCI, n=4


13. Doi T, Makizako H, Shimada H, Park H, Tsutsumimoto K, Uemura K, Suzuki T. Brain activation during dual-task walking and executive function among older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a fNIRS study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2013 Oct;25(5):539-44. 


14. Makizako H, Shimada H, Doi T, Park H, Yoshida D, Uemura K, Tsutsumimoto K, Liu-Ambrose T, Suzuki T. Poor balance and lower gray matter volume predict falls in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. BMC Neurol. 2013 Aug 5;13(1):102. 


15. Shimada H, Makizako H, Doi T, Yoshida D, Tsutsumimoto K, Anan Y, Uemura K, Ito T, Lee S, Park H, Suzuki T. Combined Prevalence of Frailty and Mild Cognitive Impairment in a Population of Elderly Japanese People. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013 May 10.


16. Makizako H, Shimada H, Doi T, Park H, Yoshida D, Suzuki T. Six-minute walking distance correlated with memory and brain volume in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a voxel-based morphometry study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra. 2013;3(1):223-32.


17. Shimada H, Suzuki T, Suzukawa M, Makizako H, Doi T, Yoshida D, Tsutsumimoto K, Anan Y, Uemura K, Ito T, Lee S, Park H. Performance-based assessments and demand for personal care in older Japanese people: a cross-sectional study. BMJ open. 2013;3(4). 


18. Makizako H, Doi T, Shimada H, Park H, Uemura K, Yoshida D, Tsutsumimoto K, Anan Y, Suzuki T. Relationship between going outdoors daily and activation of the prefrontal cortex during verbal fluency tasks (VFTs) among older adults: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Arch Gerontol Geriatri. 2013 Jan-Feb;56(1):118-23. (IF 1.7) SCI, n=9


19. Makizako H, Shimada H, Park H, Doi T, Yoshida D, Uemura K, Tsutsumimoto K, Suzuki T. Evaluation of multidimensional neurocognitive function using a tablet personal computer: Test-retest reliability and validity in community-dwelling older adults. Geriatr. Gerontol. Int. 2012 Dec 12. PubMed PMid: 23230988. 


20. Park JH, Miyashita M, Kwon YC, Park HT, Kim EH, Park JK, Park KB, Yoon SR, Chung JW, Nakamura Y, Park SK. A 12-week after-school physical activity programme improves endothelial cell function in overweight and obese children: a randomised controlled study. BMC pediatrics. 2012;12:111.


21. Suzuki T, Shimada H, Makizako H, Doi T, Yoshida D, Tsutsumimoto K, Anan Y, Uemura K, Lee S, Park H. Effects of multicomponent exercise on cognitive function in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial. BMC neurology. 2012;12:128. 


22. Aoyagi, Y., Park H., Park, S., Yoshiuchi, K., Kikuchi, H., Kawakami, H., Morita, Y., Ono, A. & Shephard, R. J. 2010. Interactive effects of milk basic protein supplements and habitual physical activity on bone health in older women: A 1-year randomized controlled trial. Int Dairy J, 20:10, 724-730.


23. Park H., Park, S., Shephard, R. J. & Aoyagi, Y. 2010. Yearlong physical activity and sarcopenia in older adults: the Nakanojo Study. Eur J Appl Physiol, 109:5, 953-961. 


24. Park, J., Nakamura, Y., Kwon, Y., Park H., Kim, E., Park, S. 2010. The effect of combined exercise training on carotid artery structure and function, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in obese older women. Jpn J Phys Fit Sport, 59:5, 495-504.


25. Aoyagi, Y., Park H., Park, S. & Shephard, R. J. 2010. Habitual physical activity and health related quality of life in older adults: interactions between the amount and intensity of activity (the Nakanojo Study). Qual Life Res, 19:3, 333-338. 


26. Aoyagi, Y., Park H., Kakiyama, T., Park, S., Yoshiuchi, K. & Shephard, R. J. 2010. Yearlong physical activity and regional stiffness of arteries in older adults: the Nakanojo Study. Eur J Appl Physiol, 109:3, 455-464. 


27. Aoyagi, Y., Park H., Watanabe, E., Park, S. & Shephard, R. J. 2009. Habitual physical activity and physical fitness in older Japanese adults: the Nakanojo Study. Gerontology, 55:5, 523-531.


28. Yasunaga, A., Togo, F., Watanabe, E., Park H., Park, S., Shephard, R. J. & Aoyagi, Y. 2008. Sex, age, season, and habitual physical activity of older Japanese: the Nakanojo study. J Aging Phys Act, 16:1, 3-13. 


29. Yamada, Y., Ichihara, S., Kato, K., Yoshida, T., Yokoi, K., Matsuo, H., Watanabe, S., Metoki, N., Yoshida, H., Satoh, K., Aoyagi, Y., Yasunaga, A., Park H., Tanaka, M., Lee, W. & Nozawa, Y. 2008. Genetic risk for metabolic syndrome: examination of candidate gene polymorphisms related to lipid metabolism in Japanese people. J Med Genet, 45:1, 22-28. 


30. Togo, F., Watanabe, E., Park H., Yasunaga, A., Park, S., Shephard, R. J. & Aoyagi, Y. 2008. How many days of pedometer use predict the annual activity of the elderly reliably? Med Sci Sports Exerc, 40:6, 1058-1064. 


31. Park, S., Park H., Togo, F., Watanabe, E., Yasunaga, A., Yoshiuchi, K., Shephard, R. J. & Aoyagi, Y. 2008. Year-long physical activity and metabolic syndrome in older Japanese adults: cross-sectional data from the Nakanojo Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 63:10, 1119-1123. 


32. Park H., Kim, K. J., Komatsu, T., Park, S. K. & Mutoh, Y. 2008. Effect of combined exercise training on bone, body balance, and gait ability: a randomized controlled study in community-dwelling elderly women. J Bone Miner Metab, 26:3, 254-259. 


33. Yamada, Y., Kato, K., Oguri, M., Fujimaki, T., Yokoi, K., Matsuo, H., Watanabe, S., Metoki, N., Yoshida, H., Satoh, K., Ichihara, S., Aoyagi, Y., Yasunaga, A., Park H., Tanaka, M. & Nozawa, Y. 2008. Genetic risk for myocardial infarction determined by polymorphisms of candidate genes in a Japanese population. J Med Genet, 45:4, 216-221. (IF 5.7) SCI, n=16


34. Yamada, Y., Metoki, N., Yoshida, H., Satoh, K., Kato, K., Hibino, T., Yokoi, K., Watanabe, S., Ichihara, S., Aoyagi, Y., Yasunaga, A., Park H., Tanaka, M. & Nozawa, Y. 2008. Genetic factors for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in Japanese individuals. Stroke, 39:8, 2211-2218. (IF 7.0) SCI, n=14


35. Yamada, Y., Kato, K., Oguri, M., Yoshida, T., Yokoi, K., Watanabe, S., Metoki, N., Yoshida, H., Satoh, K., Ichihara, S., Aoyagi, Y., Yasunaga, A., Park H., Tanaka, M. & Nozawa, Y. 2008. Association of genetic variants with atherothrombotic cerebral infarction in Japanese individuals with metabolic syndrome. Int J Mol Med, 21:6, 801-808. (IF 2.0) SCI, n=15


36. Ichihara, S., Yamada, Y., Kato, K., Hibino, T., Yokoi, K., Matsuo, H., Kojima, T., Watanabe, S., Metoki, N., Yoshida, H., Satoh, K., Aoyagi, Y., Yasunaga, A., Park H., Tanaka, M. & Nozawa, Y. 2008. Association of a polymorphism of ABCB1 with obesity in Japanese individuals. Genomics, 91:6, 512-516.


37. Yamada, Y., Kato, K., Yoshida, T., Yokoi, K., Matsuo, H., Watanabe, S., Ichihara, S., Metoki, N., Yoshida, H., Satoh, K., Aoyagi, Y., Yasunaga, A., Park H., Tanaka, M. & Nozawa, Y. 2008. Association of polymorphisms of ABCA1 and ROS1 with hypertension in Japanese individuals. Int J Mol Med, 21:1, 83-89. 


38. Park, S.J., Park H., Kamioka, H., Park, S., Komatsu, T., Okada, S., Mutoh, Y. 2008. Research on the posture control in reaches a static state from the dynamic state during the maximal step length (MSL); Young versus older adults. Jpn J Phys Fitness Sports Med 57(4): 423-432 


39. Park S, Park H, Kamioka H, Park S, Komatsu T, Okada S, Mutoh Y, Research on the posture control in reaches a static state from the dynamic state during the maximal step length (MSL): young versus older adults, 57(4), Jpn J Phys Fitness Sports Med 423-431, 2008. 


40. Yasunaga, A., Park H., Watanabe, E., Togo, F., Park, S., Shephard, R. J. & Aoyagi, Y. 2007. Development and evaluation of the physical activity questionnaire for elderly Japanese: the Nakanojo study. J Aging Phys Act, 15:4, 398-411. (IF 2.1) SSCI, n=7


41. Park H., Togo, F., Watanabe, E., Yasunaga, A., Park, S., Shephard, R. J. & Aoyagi, Y. 2007. Relationship of bone health to yearlong physical activity in older Japanese adults: cross-sectional data from the Nakanojo Study. Osteoporos Int, 18:3, 285-293. 


42. Yamada, Y., Matsuo, H., Warita, S., Watanabe, S., Kato, K., Oguri, M., Yokoi, K., Metoki, N., Yoshida, H., Satoh, K., Ichihara, S., Aoyagi, Y., Yasunaga, A., Park H., Tanaka, M. & Nozawa, Y. 2007. Prediction of genetic risk for dyslipidemia. Genomics, 90:5, 551-558.


43. Kwon, Y., Park, S., Kim, E., Park H. 2007. Effects of combined exercise on β-amylolid and DHEAs in elderly women. Jpn J Phys Fitness Sports Med 56(1): 149-156.


44. Yasunaga, A., Togo, F., Watanabe, E., Park H., Shephard, R. J. & Aoyagi, Y. 2006. Yearlong physical activity and health-related quality of life in older Japanese adults: the Nakanojo Study. J Aging Phys Act, 14:3, 288-301. (IF 2.1) SSCI, n=6


45. Yoshiuchi, K., Nakahara, R., Kumano, H., Kuboki, T., Togo, F., Watanabe, E., Yasunaga, A., Park H., Shephard, R. J. & Aoyagi, Y. 2006. Yearlong physical activity and depressive symptoms in older Japanese adults: cross-sectional data from the Nakanojo study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 14:7, 621-624. 


46. Komatsu, T., Kim, K. J., Kaminai, T., Okuizumi, H., Kamioka, H., Okada, S., Park H., Hasegawa, A., Mutoh, Y. & Yamamoto, I. 2006. Clinical factors as predictors of the risk of falls and subsequent bone fractures due to osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. J Bone Miner Metab, 24:5, 419-424.


47. Togo, F., Watanabe, E., Park H., Shephard, R. J. & Aoyagi, Y. 2005. Meteorology and the physical activity of the elderly: the Nakanojo Study. Int J Biometeorol, 50:2, 83-89. 


48. Kamioka H, Tsutani K, Yamada M, Park H, et al. Effectiveness of rehabilitation based on recreation activities: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. World J Meta-Anal 2013 May 26; 1(1): 27-46.


49. 李相侖,朴眩泰,新開省二. 高?者の社?活動および社?的ネットワ?クにおける地域差の?討: 健康度自己評?との?連をふまえて,身??育(投稿中), 2013.


50. Kwon YC, Park SK, Park H, Kim EH, Park JK, Jang JH: Effect of exercise on cystatin c as a risk factor for renal failure and hypertension. J Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry 2012, 16(1):27-33.


51. Yoshiuchi, K., Inada, S., Nakahara, R., Akabayashi, A., Park H., Park, S., Shephard, R. J. & Aoyagi, Y. 2010. Stressful life events and habitual physical activity in older adults: 1 year accelerometer data from the Nakanojo Study. Ment Health Phys Act, 3, 23-25.  


52. 朴 相俊 , 朴 眩泰 , 上岡 洋晴 [他] , 朴 晟鎭 , 小松 泰喜 , 岡田 ?平 , 武藤 芳照. 最大一?幅によるダイナミックな移動からスタティックな直立?態に至るまでの姿勢制御に?する?究 : 高?者と若年者の比較から. ?力科學 57(4), 423-431, 2008-08-01


53. Park H, Mutoh Y. An intervention for Fall risk factors in older adults with dementia. Nursing 53(2): 114-118.2007 


54. Mutoh Y,Otha M Enatsu A,Komatsu T,Park H,Yamada Y The water which helps health promotion. J Natl Inst Public Health 56(1): 2-8.2007


55. Park H, Park S, Mutoh Y. Multi-component exercise intervention for fall risks in older adilts. Osteoporosis Japan. 2:180-183.2007


56. 小松 泰喜 , 朴 眩泰 , 上? 哲男 , 上岡 洋晴 , 岡田 ?平 , ?泉 宏康 , 武藤 芳照, 山本 ?. 高?者福祉施設 (??型ケアハウス) 入居者への運動·生活指導による?果の??. 理?療法=Journal of physical therapy 24(3), 489-494, 2007-03-15.


57. 小松 泰喜 , 朴 眩泰 , 武藤 芳照 , 柏口 新二. 高?者の身?機能からみた介入?果(?倒·骨折予防プログラム)の??. 東京大?大?院?育??究科紀要 46, 339-345, 2007-03-10.



58. 朴 相俊 , 武藤 芳照 , 上岡 洋晴 [他] , 朴 眩泰 , 金 成福 , ?部 秀之. 韓?における高?者の?倒予防事業の??と課題:日本との比較からの一考察:日本との比較からの一考察. 身??育???究 7(1), 41-46, 2006


59. Park, S., Kwon, Y., Youn, M., Kim, E., Kim, C., Park H. 2005. The effect of multi-component exercise training on mobility, muscle mass, bone mineral density in community-dwelling elderly women. J Phys Edu Med 6(1): 1-9.


60. 小松 泰喜 , 上岡 洋晴 , 岡田 ?平 , 朴 眩泰 , 武藤 芳照. 健常高?者の?力特性とその測定方法. 理?療法 Journal of physical therapy 22(1), 149-158, 2005-01-15


61. Park, S., Kwon, Y., Yoon, M., Kim, E., Park H. 2004. The effect of combined training on visceral fat and insulin resistance in middle-aged Korean obese women. J Phys Edu Med 5(1): 1-10.


62. 朴 晟鎭 , 志村 ?子 , 朴 眩泰 , 武藤 芳照 日本と韓?の中高年?者の?力特性および下肢筋力の比較. 身??育???究 4(1), 37-41, 2003


63. 小松 泰喜 , 上? 哲男 , ?柳 律雄 [他] , 松田 達男 , ?泉 宏康 , 伊藤 晴夫 , 武藤 芳照 , 太田 美? , 朴 眩泰 , 長谷川 ?弓. 高?者の?倒回避能力と大腿骨?部骨密度との?連. 身??育???究 4(1), 27-30, 2003


64. Park, S.K., Park, J.H., Kwon, Y.C., Kim, H.S., Yoon, M.S., Park H. 2003. The effect of combined aerobic and resistance exercise training on abdominal fat in obese middle-aged women. J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci 22(3): 129-135.


65. Park, S., Park, J., Park, J., Kwon, Y., Kim, H., Yoon, M., Park H. 2003 The effect of aerobic exercise on visceral fat and cardiac function in obese adolescent. J Phys Edu Med 4(1): 1-10


66. Park H., Park, S., Komatsu, T., Kaminai, T., Mutoh, Y. 2003. Walking characteristics and bone mineral density in community-dwelling elderly women: a cross-sectional study. J Phys Edu Med 4(1): 11-19



기고 논문

67. 島田裕之, 朴眩泰. 特集:高?者の?機能と運動 アルツハイマ?病予防に?する運動の?果. ?育の科?, 62(3):200-208, 2012.


68. Park H, Aoyagi Y, Habitual physical activity and sarcopenia, Geriatric Medicine 48:2, 205-209, 2010.

69. Aoyagi Y, Park H et al. Habitual physical activity and health in older adults, Journal of Nursing , 65:12, 1042-1053. 2010.

70. ?柳 幸利 , 朴 眩泰 , 朴 晟鎭. 高?者における日常的な身?活動と心身の健康--中之??究. 保健師ジャ?ナル 65(12), 1042-1053, 2009-12

71. ?柳 幸利 , 朴 眩泰 , 東? 史治. 高?者における?倒?生のメカニズム : ?象?件と身?活動量の?点から(<特集>高?者の?倒を考える). 福祉のまちづくり?究 6(1), 6-10, 2004-06-15

72. Okuizumi Y, Park H, Komatsu T, Mutoh Y. Topics of Vitamin D: Fracture and muscle strength. The BONE 20837-842,2006 


73. Mutoh Y, Komatsu T, Park H et al.Approach on Falls Prevention. Clinical Orthopedic Surgery, 41(7), 765-771, 2006. 


74. 武藤 芳照 , 小松 泰喜 , 朴 眩泰. ?倒予防への取り組み (誌上シンポジウム 運動器リハビリテ?ションの?果). 臨床整形外科 41(7), 765-771, 2006-07

75. 朴 眩泰 , 武藤 芳照. 認知症高?者の?倒·?落リスクへの介入 (焦点 ?倒·?落を防止しよう!). 看護技術 53(2), 114-118, 2007-02

76. 朴 眩泰 , 小松 泰喜 , 朴 相甲. 高?者の?倒予防のための1年間の多面的運動介入の?果 (?倒予防???究? 第3回?究集? Highlight). オステオポロ?シスジャパン 15(2), 310-313, 2007



초청 강연 및 초청 심포지움


  • Park H. Health benefits of dancing, exercise and physical activity. 2014 Asian Game International Conference, Inchon, Korea 2014. 

  • Park H. Habitual Physical Activity and Health Benefits, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd. Suwon, Korea 2014

  • Park H. Active living communities: promoting health through physical activities. Regional Report and Presentation for WHO Global Forum on Innovation for Ageing Populations, Kobe, Japan, 2014.

  • Park H. Active living communities: promoting health through physical activities. WHO Global Forum on Innovation for Ageing Populations, Kobe, Japan, 2013.

  • Park H. Activity living Communities: Promoting physical activity for brain health and healthy aging, International Symposium on Geriatrics and Gerontology, Aichi, Japan 2013.

  • Park H. Physical Activity, Lifestyle and Cognitive Function. The 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Seoul, Korea. June 23-27, 2013.

  • Park H. Physical activity and musculoskeletal health in older adults. The 7th International Sport Sciences Symposium. Saitama, Japan, 2012.

  • Park H. Older adults, chronic disease and habitual physical activity. The International Conference of Oral Care for People with Disabilities, Seoul, Korea, 2013

  • Park H. Using accelerometers to measure physical activity in older adults. The conference of Korean Society for the Study of Obesity. Seoul, Korea, 2009

  • Park H. (2009) Yearlong physical activity and musculo-skeletal health. The Conference of Korean Society of Sport and Leisure Studies, Gwang-Ju, Korea. 

  • Park H. Daily Physical Activity and Obesity in Older Adults. The Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity. Seoul, Korea, 2007


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