국립부경대학교 | Data-driven thermofluids lab
Scientific Machine Learning


Scientific Machine Learning

What is Scientific Machine Learning (SciML)?

- Scientific machine learning** (SciML) is an emerging discipline within the data science community. 

- SciML seeks to address domain-specic data challenges and extract insights from scientific data sets through innovative methodological solutions. 

** we borrow the defitniion of SciML from https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1478744/

Transfer Learning (TL)?

- Leverage the knowledge of the pre-trianed ML model on the training of the target ML model with a sparse dataset


Unified TL approach (PaPIR)

- We introduced a unified transfer learning approach that both controls the amount of knowledge transferred to the target task as an initialization and regularization

- Partial transfer learning outperforms the baseline TL approach when the task similarity between the source and target tasks are pronounced.

Hessian based TL approach


- We utilized a Hessian matrix as a weighting function for TL, showing a significant performance gain compared to the baseline TL method