강릉대학교 학사 졸업: 대기과학
부경대학교 석사 졸업: 대기원격탐사
Laval University 박사 졸업: Geomatics
위성기반 지표정보산출
극지 기후 모니터링
등록된 내용이 없습니다.
Yeom, J.-M., and Han, K.-S., An efficiency analysis for data synthesis of sun- and geo- synchronous satellite in kernel-driven BRDF model: Ⅰ. Model inversion and angular sampling, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in review)
Yeom, J.-M., and Han, K.-S., An efficiency analysis for data synthesis of sun- and geo- synchronous satellite in kernel-driven BRDF model: Ⅱ. Comparison of model estimates, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in review)
Yeom, J.-M., and Han, K.-S., Improved estimated of surface solar insolation using a neural network and MTSAT-1R data, COMPUTERS & GEOSCICENCES (accepted)
Han, K.-S., Viau, A. A., and Anctil, F., Hourly epavotranspiration derived from NOAA-AVHRR visible and GOES-IMAGER thermal infrared data, International Journal of Remote Sensing (accepted)
Yeom, J.-M., Han, K.-S., Kim, Y.-S., and Jang, J. D., 2008. Neural network determination of cloud attenuation to estimate insolation using MTSAT-1R data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(21), 6193-6208.
Han, K.-S., Viau, A. A., Kim, Y.-S., and Roujean, J.-L., 2005. Statistical estimate of the hourly near-surface air humidity in eastern Canadain merging NOAA/AVHRR and GOES/IMAGER observations, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(21), 4763-4784, 2005.
Han, K.-S., Viau, A. A., and Anctil, F., 2004. An Analysis of GOES- and NOAA-derived Land Surface Temperatures estimated over a Boreal Forest, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25(21), 4761-4780.
Han, K.-S., Viau, A. A., and Anctil, F., 2004. A land cover classification product over France at 1 km resolution using SPOT4/VEGETATION data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 92, 52-66.
Han, K.-S., Viau, A. A., and Anctil, F., 2003. High-resolution forest fire weather index computations using satellite remote sensing, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 33, 1134-1143.
Do-Yong Kim and Kyng-Soo Han, "Remotely sensed retrieval of midday air temperature considering atmospheric and surface moisture conditions", International Journal of Remote Sensing (accepted)
Jong-Min Yeom, Kyung-Soo Han and Jae-Jin Kim, "Evaluation of the Opacity of Clouds to Solar Radiation Using Satellite Data", Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (accepted) Yeom, J.-M., and Han, K.-S., 2010, Improved estimation of surface solar insolation using a neural network and MTSAT-1R data, Computers & Geosciences, 36, 590-597
Han, K.-S., Viau, A. A., and Anctil, F., 2010, Hourly evapotranspiration derived from NOAA-AVHRR visible and GOES-IMAGER thermal infrared data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(11), 2817-2836
Ryu, J. H., Han, K. S., Hong, S., Park, N. W., Lee, Y. W., & Cho, J. (2018). Satellite-Based Evaluation of the Post-Fire Recovery Process from the Worst Forest Fire Case in South Korea. Remote Sensing, 10(6), 918.
Park, N. Y., Jang, J. D., Kim, Y., Sohn, E. H., Ou, M. L., Park, J. D., ... & Han, K. S. (2017). COMS-Based Retrieval of Daily Actual Evapotranspiration over Korea. Journal of Sensors, 2017.
Lee, K. S., Jin, D., Yeom, J. M., Seo, M., Choi, S., Kim, J. J., & Han, K. S. (2017). New Approach for Snow Cover Detection through Spectral Pattern Recognition with MODIS Data. Journal of Sensors, 2017.
Yeom, J. M., Deo, R., Chun, J., Hong, J., Kim, D. S., Han, K. S., & Cho, J. (2017). Synthetic retrieval of hourly net ecosystem exchange using the neural network model with combined MI and GOCI geostationary sensor datasets and ground-based measurements. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(23), 7441-7456.
Lee, C. S., Han, K. S., Yeom, J. M., Lee, K. S., Seo, M., Hong, J., ... & Chun, J. (2018). Surface albedo from the geostationary Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS)/Meteorological Imager (MI) observation system. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 55(1), 38-62.
Seo, M., Kim, H. C., Huh, M., Yeom, J. M., Lee, C. S., Lee, K. S., ... & Han, K. S. (2016). Long-term variability of surface albedo and its correlation with climatic variables over antarctica. Remote Sensing, 8(12), 981.
Yeom, J. M., Hwang, J., Jin, C. G., Lee, D. H., & Han, K. S. (2016). Radiometric characteristics of KOMPSAT-3 multispectral images using the spectra of well-known surface tarps. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(10), 5914-5924.
Yeom, J. M., Seo, Y. K., Kim, D. S., & Han, K. S. (2016). Solar radiation received by slopes using COMS imagery, a physically based radiation model, and GLOBE. Journal of Sensors, 2016.