국립부경대학교 | Computational Biophysics Lab.


작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
Job submission on the computer cluster
작성일 2022-12-07 조회수 64

Please DO NOT run any long simulation jobs on the head node, Synpase, which is the one you accessed.

Run long simulation jobs with condor(https://htcondor.org/), which is a job manager and scheduler.


There is an example with Gromacs job.

Go to the following directory and see the exmaple.



Carefully see the "condor.sh" and "gmx.sh" files.


You can try it. Copy the files to your home (/data/class/22/your_name/), and modify the email address 

in the condor.sh file.


You can run with the follwoing command.

./condor protein


You can check the jobs you submit with the command,


Check the cluster with the command,


Stop or cancel jobs you submit with the command,

condor_rm your_job_ID


If you have any question, then let me know it.

다음 Charm GUI
이전 MD simulations in the cluster