국립부경대학교 | Computational Biophysics Lab.







Harnessing marine-derived polyphenoles for the one-pot synthesis of functional silver nanoparticles: Anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and MD simulation

Integrative computational pipeline fpr identifying binding-enhancing mutations targeting the MBD2-p66a interaction: Implications for therapeutic applications


Accurate Acupoint Localization in 2D Hand Images: Evaluating HRNet and ResNet Architectures for Enhanced Detection Performance



Real-time Location of Acupunture Points Based on Anatomical Landmarks and Pose Estimation Models



Leveraging Deep Learning for Fine-Grained Categorization of Parkinson's Disease Progression Levels through Analysis of Vocal Acoustic Patterns


Automated Structural Analysis and Quantitative Characterization of Scar Tissue Using Machine Learning 



Gating Mechanism of the Voltage-Gated Proton Channel Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations



Functional stability of water wire-carbonyl interactions in an ion channel



Spontaneous Hinge-Bending Motions of Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme: Role in Activation and Inhibition



Both Ligands and Macromolecular Crowders Preferentially Bind to Closed Conformations of Maltose Binding Protein



Silver-Lactoferrin Nanocomplexes as a Potent Antimicrobial Agent



GPU-Accelerated Signal Processing of Beam Formation and Envelope Detection for Real-Time Ultrasound Imaging.



Insight into the mechanism of the influenza A proton channel from a structure in a lipid bilayer          (PDB deposit: 2L0J).   



Conformational heterogeneity of the M2 proton channel and a structural model for channel activation.



Test of the Gouy-Chapman theory for a charged lipid membrane by explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations. 

Spontaneous conformational change and toxin binding in α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: Insight into channel activation and inhibition.