국립부경대학교 | SMSDL



Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, 

there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. [Ecclesiastes 9:10]

Won-Bae NA  

Professor at OE, PKNU
wna@pknu.ac.kr, +82-51-629-6588
Solid Materials & Structures Design Lab
@ 315 Environment and Marine Building (B14)
Dept. of Ocean Engineering, Pukyong National Univ., Yongso-Ro 45, Nam-Gu, Busan 48513, Republic of Korea


Pursuing a simple life, I have worked on how to live with thinking, reading, writing, and presenting. No more mingling with the others. Among them, thinking is the most difficult one I can manage.  Naturally, my work has been limited to my narrow imagination - you may know what I mean.  To widen the border, I am trying to intentionally concentrate on the interaction  between solids and fluids with one determination.  Based on the knowledge in solid mechanics and applied mathematics, fluid and soils are the ones I am working on nowadays. Hopefully, the results are promising and meaningful to my students and academic societies.


Research Interest

 Flow characteristics in artificial reefs, sets, and groups - topology and wake region

 Structural analysis of composite risers for upwelling deep seawater

 Collision and dragging analysis of anchors for power cable protector and its use for design

 Underwater structures: pipelines, risers, artificial reefs, and protecting structures.



▶ Undergraduate Level: ① Creative Problem Solving & Eng. Design (1st-year), ② Fundamental Eng. Mechanics (1st-year), ③ Eng. Math 1 (2nd-year), ④ Eng. Math 2 (2nd-year), ⑤ Thesis, Research, and Integrated Design (4th-year) 

 Graduate Level: ① Advanced Eng. Math (Master Students), ② Applied Mechanics (Master Students), ③ Applied Math for Ocean Engineers (Doctorate Students), ④ Continuum Mechanics (Doctorate Students) 


Major University Services

 OE, Department Head, 2020.09.-2023.08., 2008.07. - 2010.12.

 LINC 3.0, Participating Professor, 2022.03. - 2028.02.

▶ BK21 Four, Participating Professor, 2020.09. - 2027.08.

 LINC+, Participating Professor & Associate Director (2.5 years), 2017.03. - 2022.02.

 CK1, Participating Professor & Associate Director (5 years), 2014.03. - 2019.02.

 BK21+, Participating Professor, 2013.09. - 2020.08. 

▶ CEMST, Associate Dean, 2008.08. - 2010.07. 

 2nd Stage BK21, Participating Professor, 2006.03. - 2013.02.

 NURI, Participating Professor, 2004.09. - 2009.08.

Academic Background

 Ph.D., University of Arizona, Engineering Mechanics (Major), Solid Mechanics (Minor)

 M.S., Pukyong National University, Ocean Engineering (Mechanics) 

▶ B.S., Pukyong National University, Ocean Engineering (Major), Applied Mathematics (Minor)

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