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포항공과대학교 화학공학과 공학박사

포항공과대학교 화학공학과 공학석사

충남대학교     화학공학과 공학사


2019.09 - 2020.08 포항공과대학교 화학공학과 박사후연구원

2020.09 - 2022.03 포항공과대학교 화학공학과 박사후연구원

2022.04 - 2024.08 ()펜실베니아대학교 생명화학공학과 박사후연구원

2024.09 - 현재   부경대학교 고분자공학과 조교수


유기-무기 고분자 합성 응용

제약/화장품/약물전달 특수제형

미세유체 응용화학


고분자 물리화학, 고분자 가공, 고분자 몰폴로지, 생활속의 고분자, 소프트 나노재료 특론


Yoon-Ho Hwang, Sarah J. Shephered, Dongyoon Kim, Alvin Mukalel, David A. Issadore*, and Daeyeon Lee*, “Robust Microfluidic Manufacturing of mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles Using Fouling Resistant Lubricant Layer Coating”, ACS Nano, in press.


Yoon-Ho Hwang, Je Hyun Lee, Teawoong Um, and Hyomin Lee*, “3D Printing of Monolithic Gravity-Assisted Step-Emulsification Device for Scalable Production of Highly Viscose Emulsion Droplets”, Lab Chip, 24, 4778, 2024.


Jingyu Wu, Yoon-Ho Hwang, Sagar Yadavali, Daeyeon Lee*, and David A. Issadore*, “Micro-Patterning Wettability in Very Large Scale Microfluidic Integrated Chips”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 34, 2309718, 2024. (Co-1st author) 


Je Hyun LeeYoon-Ho Hwang, Minjoo Noh, Ji Hyun Lee, Jun Bae Lee*, and Hyomin Lee*, “Microencapsulation of Alcohol Solvents and High-content Actives for Efficient Transdermal Delivery”, Biomater. Sci., 11, 23, 7531-7540, 2023. (Co-1st author) 


Ji Hyun Lee, Minjoo Noh, Jihui Jang, Jun Bae Lee*, Yoon-Ho Hwang*, and Hyomin Lee*, “Skin Penetration Enhancer-Incorporated Lipid Nanovesicles (SPE-LNV) for Skin Brightening and Wrinkle Treatment”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14, 36331, 2022. (*Corresponding author) 


Minji Kim, Kyounghee Jeon, Won Hee Kim, Jeong Wook Lee, Yoon-Ho Hwang*, and Hyomin Lee*, “Biocompatible Amphiphilic Janus Nanoparticles with Enhanced Interfacial Properties for Colloidal Surfactants”, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 616, 488, 2022. (*Corresponding author)

Yoon-Ho Hwang, Teawoong Um, Gwang-Nho Ahn, Dong-Pyo Kim*, and Hyomin Lee*, “Robust and Scalable Production of Emulsion-Templated Micropaticles in 3D-Printed Milli-Fluidic Device”, Chem. Eng. J., 431,133998, 2022.

Sang A RyuYoon-Ho Hwang, Heemuk Oh, Kyounghee Jeon, Je Hyun Lee, Jongsun Yoon, Jun Bae Lee, and Hyomin Lee*, "Biocompatible Wax-Shelled Microcapsules with Hermetic Sealing for Thermally-Triggered Release of Actives", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces13, 36380, 2021. (Co-1st author) 


Yoon-Ho Hwang, Kyounghee Jeon, Sang A Ryu, Dong-Pyo Kim*, and Hyomin Lee*, “Temperature-Responsive Janus Particles as Microsurfactants for On-Demand Destabilization and Coalescence of Emulsions”, Small, 16, 2005159, 2020. 


Yoon-Ho Hwang, Jaehoon Oh, Hyungju Ahn, Dong-Pyo Kim*, and Myungeun Seo*, “Synthesis of In-Situ Microphase Separated Organic-Inorganic Block Polymer Precursors to 3D-Continuous Mesoporous SiC-Based Ceramic Monoliths”, ACS Appl. Poly. Mater., 2, 28022020. 


Yoon-Ho Hwang, Teawoong Um, Jiwoo Hong, Gwang-Nho Ahn, Juan Qiao, In Seok Kang, Li Qi, Hyomin Lee*, and Dong-Pyo Kim*, “Robust production of Well-Controlled Microdroplets in a 3D Printed Chimney-Shaped Milli-Fluidic Device”, Adv. Mater. Technol., 1900457, 2019.  


Niraj K. VishwakarmaYoon-Ho Hwang, Avnish K. Mishra, Jin Kon Kim and Dong-Pyo Kim*, “A Platform for Accelerated Continuous-Flow Radical Polymerization of Acrylates and Styrene with Copper-Wire Threads”, React. Chem. Eng., 4, 1854, 2019. (Co-1st author) 


Yoon-Ho Hwang, Niraj K. Vishwakarma, Kyoung-Woo Kang, and Dong-Pyo Kim*, “Hydrolytic Conversion of Preceramic Polymers into Silicate Glass Coatings with Different Wettability”, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol., 81, 11, 2017.  


Ajay K. SinghYoon-Ho Hwang, and Dong-Pyo Kim*, "Heterogeneous PdAg Alloy Catalyst for Selective Methylation of Aromatic Amines with Formic Acid under Additive-Free and Solvothermal One-Pot Condition", NPG Asia Mater., 7, e222, 2015. (Co-1st author)


Juan QiaoYoon-Ho Hwang, Chuan-Fang Chen, Li Qi*, Ping Dong, Xiao-Yu Mu, and Dong-Pyo Kim*, "Ratiometric Fluorescent Polymeric Thermometer for Thermogenesis Investigation in Living Cells", Anal. Chem., 87, 10535, 2015. (Co-1st author)
