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Pos-doc opening at VCU
작성일 2024-02-21 조회수 242

< Pos-doc opening at VCU >

The Human Resources Department at VCU (aka "We") just added the official process/approval to the VCU job board. 

We must follow this administrative process for the paperwork and visa support for H1-B in the US. 

The position must be advertised for a minimum of 2 weeks, assuming there are enough qualified applicants we can close the position on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 28th, 2024. 

If you know someone who are interested, please ask him/her to apply here:



+Add : There is another opening for a research assistantship (RA) as a Ph.D student.

다음 주한 미국대사관(재부 영사관) 인턴십 신청
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