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한동대학교 경제학 학사


부경대학교 조교수(2024-현재)

응용미시경제학, 노동경제학, 인구경제학

등록된 내용이 없습니다.


[8] The Impact of Robots on Labor Demand: Evidence from Job Vacancy data for Korea, Empirical Economics, 2024, Volume 67, 1185?1209.

[7] Natural disasters, Risk and Migration: Evidence from the 2017 Pohang Earthquake in Korea (with Jongkwan Lee), Journal of Economic Geography, 2023, Volume 23, No. 5, 1017-1035.

[6] Task Specialization and Low-skilled Immigration in a Highly Educated Country: Evidence from Korea (with Jongkwan Lee), Southern Economic Journal, 2023, Volume 89, No.4, 1078-1101.

[5] The Immigrant Wage Gap and Assimilation in Korea (with Chulhee Lee), Migration Studies, 2023, Volume 11, No.1, 103-122.

[4] The Wage and Employment Effect of Immigration: Evidence from South Korea, Journal of Demographic Economics, 2023, Volume 89, No.1, 63-83.

[3] The Economic Cost of Diplomatic Conflict: Evidence from South Korea-China THHAD Dispute (with Jungmin Lee), Korean Economic Review, 2021, Volume 37, No.2, 225-262.

[2] Can Employment Subsidies Save Jobs? Evidence from a Shipbuilding City in South Korea (with Jungmin Lee),. Labour Economics, 2019, Volume 61.

[1] Retirement and Cognitive Ability in Korea. Korean Economic Review, Volume 35, No.2, 2019, 393-415.

한국어 논문

[5] 김혜진, & 정종우. (2023). 인구구조 변화에 따른 산업별 고용인력 변화와 정책대안별 효과 추정: 여성 및 고령자 고용확대를 중심으로. 경제분석, 29(3), 41-70.

[4] 이철희, & 김혜진. (2021). 직업훈련이 외국인력의 고용과 임금에 미치는 영향. 경제분석, 27(2), 41-70.

[3] 이철희, & 김혜진. (2020). 외국인력의 산업별 고용구조분석: 인구변화 대응에 대한 함의. 노동정책연구, 1-31.

[2] 김혜진, & 오호영. (2016). 청년층의 취업 눈높이 패널 분석. 노동경제논집, 39(3), 1-32.

[1] 김혜진. (2015). 외국인력의 교육투자수익률 분석. 노동정책연구, 15(4), 135-160.

Personal website: https://sites.google.com/site/hyjnkm

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