국립부경대학교 | 일반대학원 데이터공학과





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  • 이메일 : 메일
  • 전화번호 : 051-629-4073
  • 홈페이지 : 

· 서울대학교 산업공학 박사

· Purdue University 산업공학 학사 

· 2020-2021. 삼성전자 무선사업부 UX Senior Designer  

· User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Ergonomics, Affective Engineering


· 대한인간공학회한국HCI학회, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES)

· HCI이해

· 인간공학 

· 디지털서비스UX평가

· 모바일UI디자인

· 확장형콘텐츠설계 등


· Park, D., Lee, Y., & Yun, M. H. (2021). Understanding balance control in the context of riding a personal mobility device. Applied Sciences, 11(9), 4173. [SCIE]

· Moon, S., Park, S., Park, D., Yun, M., Chang, K., & Park, D. (2020). Active sound design development based on the harmonics of main order from engine sound. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 68(7/8), 532-544. [SCIE]

· Park, D., Park, S., Kim, W., Rhiu, I., & Yun, M. H. (2019). A comparative study on subjective feeling of engine acceleration sound by automobile types. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 74, 102843. [SSCI]

· Moon, S., Park, S., Park, D., Kim, W., Yun, M. H., & Park, D. (2019). A study on affective dimensions to engine acceleration sound quality using acoustic parameters. Applied Sciences, 9(3), 604. [SCIE]

· Kim, W., Ryu, T., Park, D., & Yun, M. H. (2019). Analysis of customers’ satisfaction with automobile exterior panel stiffness: Focus on the hood and doors of mid-sized sedan. Journal of Engineering Research, 7(2). [SCIE]

· Kim, W., Park, D., Kim, Y. M., Ryu, T., & Yun, M. H. (2018). Sound quality evaluation for vehicle door opening sound using psychoacoustic parameters. Journal of Engineering Research, 6(2), 176-190. [SCIE]


(Human-Centered Design Lab)