Faculty Introduction


Faculty Introduction

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Huh Min-DoProfessor

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Fish Pathology 

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Huh, M. D. 1992. The histological structure and the pathologic lesions of teleost skin. J. Fish Pathol., 5(2):159-164.

Huh, M. D. and Jeong, H. D. 1993. The histological structure and the pathological lesions of gill in teleosts. J. Fish Pathol. 6(1): 65-70.

Park, J. H. and Huh, M. D. 1994. Histopathological studies on melano-macrophage centers(MMCs) in spleen and head kidney of immuno-nodified tilapia, . J. Fish Pathol., 7(2):127-149.

Lee, N. S., Park, J. H., Han, K. S. and Huh, M. D.,1994. Histopathological changes in fingerlings of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, with severe scuticociliatosis. J. Fish Pathol., 7(2):151-160.

Jeong, H. D. and Huh, M. D.. 1995. The characteristics of VH gene family expression in early B cells. J. Korean Fish Soc., 28(1):114-122.

Han, K. S., Kim, J. Y., Jeong, H. D. and Huh, M. D. 1995. Pathological studies on the morphological and functional changes of lymphomyeloid tissues overpopulated with melano-macrophage centers in tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. J. Fish Pathol., 8(2): 119-134.

Lee, N. S., Kim, J. Y., Jeong, H. D. and Huh, M. D. 1995. Histopathological studies on the macrophage behavior in lymphomyeloid tissues of tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. J. Fish Pathol. 8(2):135-148.

Ha, J. Y., Sohn, S. G., Huh, M. D. and Jeong, H. D., 1996. Study on the production and management of aquatic animal;rapid and optimized diagnosis of Edwardsiellosis by coagglutination test with antibody sensitized Staphylococcus aureus. J. Korean Fish Soc., 29(5):620-628.

Huh, M. D., Park, N. G., Lee, H. H., Park, J. S., Kang, S. W. and Kunitake, T., 1996. Structure-activity relationships of Tachykinin peptides derived from fish. Peptide Chemistry, 185-188.

Park, K. H., Ha, J. Y., Huh, S. H., Huh, M. D. and Jeong, H. D., 1997. Effect of PS-K on nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, as an adjuvant and prophylactic agent. J. Fish Pathol. 10(1):45-52.

Ku, H. J., Seo, J. K., Kim, E. H, Huh, M. D., Chung, J. K., Park, J. S., Kang, S. W. and Park, N. G. 1997. Conformation and biological activity of the neuropeptide γ, J. Korean Fish Soc., 30(2):244-251.

Chung, S. Y., Sohn, S. G., Chung, J. K., Huh, M. D. and Jeong, H. D. 1997. Study on the production and management of aquatic animals: direct detection of Edwardsiella tarda using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. J. Fish Pathol. 10(2):75-86.

Park, N. G., Kim, C. H., Chung, J. K., Huh, M. D., Park, J. S. and Kang, S. W., 1998. Morphological changes of biomembranes by amphiphilic basic peptides mastoparan B and 43. The Journal of Microbiology, 36(3):179-183.

김명석, 박준호, 하재이, 허민도, 허성회, 정현도, 1988. 하동 지역에 서식하는 바지락의 미생물총 분포에 관한 정량 및 정성적 분석. 한국어병학회지, 11(2):143-150

김은정, 서정길, 김찬희, 고혜진, 허민도, 문정혜, 박장수, 박남규, 1999. Bowfin-과 Shark-neuropeptide F의 구조 및 수축효과. 한국수산학회지, 32(2):232-237 

Studies on the genesis of bifid T wave in rat electrocardiogram.